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You Tube search to find the

Use the filtering function of  highest-view videos relat to your industry. After entering keywords relat to your industry, you can sort the search results by the number of views. Take “staycation HK” as an example:

Click “Filters” in the upper left corner and select “Views” from “Sort by.” YouTube search results will be sort by view count in descending order:


YouTube search results: Keyword – “staycation HK”; Sort by – View count

If you apply this filter when searching,

please pay attention to the region, category, and relevance of the videos in the search results, as they may include videos from other Chinese-speaking regions, or videos that are less relevant to your industry/product, such as music videos.

The average number of views of the top 0 videos relat to the search term “staycation HK” is as high as ,000, indicating that there is a high demand for online videos in the hotel industry. In addition, the regions, categories and contents of these videos are directly relat to local hotels.

Google search results for industry-relat keywords

We mention above that YouTube SEO has the potential car owner data  benefit of getting your videos to appear on the first page of Google. If your Google search results for industry-relat keywords include videos (especially at the top), there’s a good chance that YouTube SEO can help your brand reach more of your target audience. Use industry knowl ge, or use online tools like Google Ads, SEMRush , or Ahrefs to find industry and product-relat keywords with high search volume, and see if their search results in Google include videos. For example, the first page of search results for “staycation HK” includes a YouTube video:

Special data

Your pool of potential industry-relat

keywords can be large. It may include brand  how to effectively develop software saving time and money keywords, keywords that include your product terms, or product-relat keywords that don’t include your product terms. If you have limit time and resources, approach powder data keyword research from a searcher’s perspective and focus on keywords that searchers are likely to look for in video search results.

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