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How to effectively develop software saving time and money

We must state one very important fact: Saving time and money in software development is neither a miracle cure for every company nor a perfect solution for every problem. Outsourcing makes sense for cutting costs while reducing workload on the employee. During the research of Top Software Development Companies Of 2020 according to DesignRush . There is a number of situations when software outsourcing can be highly profitable – we have prepared a few real-life scenarios to help you check whether your company can benefit from building the software abroad.


If one had to pinpoint the most burning issue in the present software development world, it would definitely be the lack of experienced developers on the market . The demand for such professionals is very high and universities still fall behind with providing the workforce. While almost every software company would prefer to hire new developers on site, they very often are simply not able to do that. Especially when thinking of the most experienced programmers, as they are usually lured by the leading players in the industry – tempting them with good PR, very attractive projects and extremely high earnings. Therefore, medium and small software companies usually decide to outsource some of their work. But must outsourcing always be an unpleasant necessity or may it also turn out to be a perfect solution for your business?

The problem with the lack of experienc

developers becomes increasingly evident when unexpected but very lucrative business opportunities occur. While all of your developers are engaged in an on-going development or maintenance and the new, profitable project needs to be done in a short period of time, recruiting new employees may not be the best solution. Firstly, it is very unlikely that you will find a new developer quickly and he or she will, in fact, turn out to be a top-notch specialist. Secondly, hiring full-time employees is useless in the face of a short-time commitment project. This is a situation when you  iraq phone number data should seriously consider outsourcing as it is a chance to augment your team with experienced people and if you want to scale down later, it usually means nothing more than making a phone call to a competent person nearshore. Therefore, it is usually the best solution for such short-term projects .

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A similar situation arises

to develop a project using technologies which are beyond your in-house competeot simply divide it to web and mobile. Or frontend and backend. Most software companies use only certain. programming languages ​​and frameworks and if you suddenly need to develop an application using technology. Which is unknown to your developers, outsourcing this part we have managed to alleviate of the project may turn out to be the best solution. It is even more likely when speaking of new and still niche technologies, eg face recognition, internet of things, etc. Finding a software house which focuses bz lists solely on providing such specific products almost always means working with first-class experts.

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