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If you are going to connect to the hosting

Most likely the service (sshd) is already running on it. Therefore, all you have to do is configure your own device. Before connecting via SSH, find out the following information: The IP address of the server to which you want to establish a connection; port number through which a connection is expect (the standard is 22, but to increase security it is often chang ); Username and password to log in.

Most often you can find this information

In a letter from the hosting provider: it is sent to your email after placing an order (for example, when renting a virtual d icat server). It can also spam number data be specifi in your personal account – usually in the same section where information about active services is post . If you cannot find it, contact your hosting provider’s support service and ask to provide SSH access again.

special data

When renting a VPS server from

Ruweb”, clients receive information with all access rights to the server to the email address specifi during registration. Connecting via SSH in seo will come in to make corrections Linux So, we have already said that all commands will be execut via the terminal. In Linux systems, this utility is available by default, so just open it by pressing the key combination Ctrl+Alt+T. Now, to connect to the server, enter a structure like this: $ ssh usernameip-address.

Where username is the administrator login

On the remote machine, and ip-address is its IP address. If the username on the client computer and the server are the same, the line will look buying house b simpler: $ ssh ip-address Also, instead of an IP address, you can use the host’s domain name or any designation that you pre-register in the hosts file. When using a non-standard port, this must also be specifi via the “-p” option. For example, if the port number is 23, the command will have the following syntax: $ ssh ip-address If the data is enter correctly, a request to confirm the connection will appear in the console.

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