Let’s start from the fact that this goal is great to have but it is impossible to achieve. You are changing the website, so SEO traffic is going to change. In some places for the better, in others for the worse, but it is going to change.
With this goal, the role of
SEO is relegat to a validator and alerter of problems that the changes you are creating. Everyone will work on their tasks and the and fundamental requests so that traffic is not particularly affect.
You must decide and make clear and official what.
Weight and cribility you are going
To give to these SEO warnings and processes that are request. In addition to what data you ne to justify them. The existence of the warnings is not cash app database enough. There will always be those who prefer not to pay attention to them.
Having an SEO opinion during the process
This would be the least commitment possible. The SEO team does not go into details but is consult on important issues. The decision will be made by another person or team but taking into account the SEO’s opinion. In these cases, you depend a lot facebook for businesses is therefore becoming on who makes these decisions and on the basic SEO knowlge that your team already has. I’m not going to lie to you, these cases don’t usually turn out very well. I would only recommend them when SEO is completely secondary to the business.
3. SEO Knowlge
What understanding and knowlge of search does your team and agency have?
SEO is transversal. Almost anyone who participates in the development of the new version of the website has the ability to affect its positioning. For this reason, it is best to have SEO experts who help you develop the plan and ensure its implementation, but it is also important that all team members have a minimum knowlge of the parts tg data of SEO that apply to them.