If your audience doesn’t usually produce reviews of your product or service, it’s time to start offering benefits to customers who are willing to provide this type of content.
Some businesses work by exchanging discounts for the production of the review. Others promise to promote the customer’s page or channel in exchange for posting an honest review.
Regardless of the format, it is important that this type of content is not only present publicly on your page, but that it also serves as a thermometer for the quality of your service.
It is much easier to understand where improvements can be made within your production line.
9. Evergreen Content
A great content option for Facebook is evergreen .
This type of post, also known as “cold content” or evergreen content, works as a wild card on social mia.
These are the types of india email list content that always spark the reader’s interest and that do not require a sense of urgency to be post. They are very common in Inbound Marketing strategies .
Lists, tests, tutorials, curiosities, product reviews, guides, myths and truths, etc. All of these formats can be creat using the evergreen logic and reus when keeping your page active.
Think about posts that don’t have information that could become outdat, like data and statistics, for example.

10. Memes and humor
The use of memes wsi awards reachlocal with top performing supplier award and humor comes in many different forms: it can be in video, text, animat gif , photographs, illustrations, comics, etc.
This is a great way to break the ice and start a conversation on your social network, but be aware of your audience’s habits!
First, understand adb directory whether the humor format you are thinking of fits in with your business proposal and, above all, be sure that your post is not load with prejudices and offenses that could be us against you.