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WSI awards ReachLocal with Top Performing Supplier Award

Toronto, Canada, July 10, 2018  – During a gala event in Montreal, Canada, WSI , the world’s largest network of digital marketing consultants, presents its 2017-2018 Top Performing Supplier award to ReachLocal, a US-based online marketing and advertising solutions provider.

The Top Performing Supplier recognition is one of seven award categories through

Which WSI recognizes service excellence within its global network. Steven Dollar, Partner Development Manager and Tehsin Daya, Sr. Director, Strategic Partnerships, accepted the award on behalf of ReachLocal at the WSI Global Convention in f ront of over 300 attendees from across the network.

From left to right: Steven Dollar, Partner Development Man oman whatsapp number data ager (ReachLocal), Valerie Brown-Dufour, President (WSI), Tehsin Daya, Sr. Director, Strategic Partnerships (ReachLocal), and Mark Dobson, Co-Founder (WSI)

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Mark Dobson ,  Co-Founder of WSI  said,  “Let me extend my congratulations to the team at ReachLocal on this award! For some time now, ReachLocal has been one of WSI’s most valued business partners, consistently delivering excellent service to our clients. This is a well-deserv how to rank your youtube videos  ed honour. I take this opportunity to wish the team continued success in the years to come.”

The WSI Awards Gala is hoste. Tby the WSI headquarters in Toronto. Canada, and showcases the excellence and innovation of the WSI network. The seven award categories  rich data include: WSI People’s Choice, Top Contributors, Top Consultants, and Growth Star Awards. For a list of this year’s honorees,  click here .


Company and part of Gannett Co., Inc. (NYSE:GCI), helps local businesses grow and operate better through its award-winning lead generation and conversion technology and expert service. ReachLocal is headquartered in Woodland Hills, Calif., with operations in four regions: Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America and North America.

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