Home » Blog » Step 1: Define your target audience

Step 1: Define your target audience

Without understanding who will be interest in the information provid. There is little chance of creating a content plan that will really work. It is necessary to clearly imagine the portrait of your audience. It is recommend to remember that the characteristics of the target audience will depend on the goal. If you are planning sales, attracting target advertising, it is better to divide your clients into segments by age, gender, place of residence, etc. Key queries should include a call to purchase (“buy chairs for the kitchen.

f you are focus on developing a personal brand on a specific channel

Then it is enough to give a description of the followers and how you intend to attract them. Step 2. Study competitors’ content on similar sites women phone numbers The best cheat sheet when creating a content plan is to take a peek at how your competitors are doing: what they write about, with what success, at what time they release new posts, how many likes they get.

special data

It is necessary to collect new queries

An work through old ones, focusing on the queries that users use. An important point in writing a plan is systematic monitoring of competitor seo block uploads to production for companies: what they do for promotion and what they do not do. This will help find fresh ideas for your version, understand the benefits of positions, and highlight them to readers. Step 3. Make a list of topics of interest to the target audience Your observation skills and analysis of competing companies will help here: what they write about, how the target audience responds.

The popularity of headings and topics

Is determin by analyzing search queries. Enter queries material data that are frequently encounter in Yandex, Google. The systems will show additional options, they will give fresh ideas for new articles. If possible, you can conduct a survey in the community at the beginning of the journey, what problems they are concern about, what information they would be interest in reading. The main direction will be form from such observations.

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