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SEO block uploads to production for

To give the most typical example in these cases: for development, the main objective is usually the time frame. A date is set and every day that goes past that date will be perceiv (whether fair or not) as a failure of the development team.

When we in  not meeting basic

SEO migration criteria, sparks will fly. And each team is right from its position, so someone will have to resolve the conflict. Rather than waiting for this situation, it is better to establish which position and objective is a priority.

Let’s define the migration objective together

There are hundrs of possible objectives, but I’ll try to list them in a brief and generic way, from the most ambitious objectives to the least. You will clearly band database see how the SEO work and its priority changes depending on what you choose.


special data


Detect and apply opportunities to improve web positioning with the change

The SEO implications here are enormous. The SEO team must be involv from the first concepts and have among its tasks an analysis of the new positioning strategy. It is likely that if you opt for this objective, SEO will talk to you about creating how do facebook ads work? new sections on the website, expanding or improving content and reviewing structures and HTML.

Yes, the work will be much more profitable and you will notice it

A lot, but it will have a much greater impact across your entire website. Validate this with your teams or later the proposals will surprise them and upset times and budgets. There are few things more frustrating for everyone than having wast many hours and days developing a strategy that then has no chance of being carri out.

Fix all SEO shortcomings without changing strategy

The project will define its first steps without expecting too much involvement from the SEO. Decisions that may negatively impact the tg data current strategy will be validat and alert, but new pieces or content that disrupt the work of others will not be defin.
Avoid potential losses in current traffic and positioning.

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