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Really dynamic HTML this time

Playback of audiovisual files
Originally, the website had only textual content. However, this only last a short time, browser developers were more than willing to accommodate creative creators and, among other things, allow them to insert various external objects into the pages. The elements bgsoundand emb, which enrich the pages with sounds and videos, also appear on the scene . The W3C later came up with the object. (And to make matters worse, there will be more elements audioand video.)

Multimia objects were play via plugins

If the respective plugin was not built into the browser or additionally install, playback did not work. At the time, Dušan Janovský analyz the entire issue in detail . Since then, the situation has improv considerably, browsers generally support flash (even in Linux or Unix-bas operating systems this is not a significant problem, their users switzerland phone number data can install the necessary plugin) and it in turn supports many audiovisual formats. So you just ne to “wrap” the video or music file in flash and insert the flash into the page . You can also create your own elegant controls in flash that will be the same in all browsers. However, this procure has three drawbacks.

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Flash nes to be us, which is an unnecessary intermiate step
Accessibility problem

Playback cannot be script

If we tri to avoid these inconveniences by avoiding flash and inserting multimia objects directly, we would find that we got out of the mud and into the puddle, so to speak. Currently, there is simply no solution more reliable than flash. However, it should be different in the future. According to the draft of the HTML 5 specification, audiovisual players, represent elements audioand video. This would elegantly solve all the problems caus by browsers leaving playback to external the first thing is to ruce applications. At the same time, such a player would be fully controllable using JavaScript, which from a practical point of view would have the non-negligible meaning cg leads that it would be possible, on the one hand, to create custom user interfaces with a pleasing design, the same in all browsers, for playing multimia objects even without flash, and on the other hand, it would be extremely easy to add javascript applications about sound effects.

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