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The first thing is to ruce

From the server (with the famous . htaccess or . htconfig from Apache or with others), from deep development of the CMS or with limit plugins and minor fixes.

Each system has its opportunities and limitations

It is even efficient to make some rirections at some points and others at others.

What will be done to ruce the number of resources and the performance of the website when supporting these rirects?

Just because rirects are important doesn’t mean

They can’t be annoying and even affect the spe of your website. This must be taken into account and the most profitable formulas must be found to execute them.  them as much as possible. A good use of regular expressions can save you hundrs of lines vk database of rirects. A minimum knowlge of server configuration can also ease the final development.

special data


We love a way that not many people use:

Putting long lists of minor rirects in the 404 protocol controller. This way, you only load the rirects when a page is going to give a 404, leaving the rest of the site free of all that code. It’s a nice trick, but it can only be appli in custom developments and with a how we’re upping the ante with our new a/b tests development team very involv in SEO.

What safeguards and control techniques should you apply?

They will give you the security you ne to work. Know them and apply them.
Another key point of migrations is going to be the validation and security protocols that you apply. Migrations are never develop perfectly. You can detail everything, give code examples, understand the database and have the best technical team possible. Something is going to go wrong. I personally have been doing this for more than 20 years and, so far, I have not found a single migration without incidents in its first version. But hey, to detect and correct tg data these things is what we are here for, right?