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Million visitors, while all government

Million visitors, while all government websites have the same number of visitors every three months. Immersive technologies Immersive technologies, such as 360-degree videos or virtual and augmented reality. Replace or enhance the physical world with a digital simulation. Virtual and augmented reality are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing.

Virtual reality (VR) involves full

Immersion in a computer-generated simulation, usually using a headset. Augmented reality (AR), on the other hand, involves blending computer-generated components with the real world. Although there are expected to be 171 million active VR users in 2018, many believe that augmented reality will see the greatest growth and applicability.

For example, it is easy to imagine

How virtual simulators could be used to train astronauts, but how can immersive technology be used for more everyday citizen engagement? It can effectively improve citizen preparedness. The Civil Defence Force has been using VR to help overseas chinese in australia citizens prepare for natural disasters. Help raise awareness of cities or jobs. Australia has produced 360-degree videos to attract tourists to various parts of the country. The technology can also be used for recruitment.

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For example, the British Army found

That by using VR to simulate common training scenarios, the number of recruitment applications increased by 66%. Trend 3: Chatbots, Virtual product owner: an exciting job to offer the best experience to users Assistants, and Messaging Apps Bots are programs that simulate conversations, answer questions, or help with a variety of tasks. AI components, specifically natural language processing and machine learning, make them tg data useful. Chatbots are ubiquitous and applicable to every industry.

Gartner estimates that by 2020,

The average person will have more conversations with a bot than with their spouse. Messaging apps such as Whatsapp have been growing steadily. Now the most downloaded type of app, they provide a means for the billions of users who use these apps every month to send them a bot. Bots help provide services, provide expertise on a topic, or answer customer service questions.

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