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Here you just ne to enter yes and press Enter

Note that this helps protect against spoofing: such a message appears only once, when you first connect to the server. If you see it when you reconnect to the same machine, then you are connecting to a completely different host. After that, the system will ask you to enter a password. Be careful, because when you type in the console, no symbols (even asterisks) will be display.

If you are afraid of making a mistake

Just copy the password and paste it into the terminal. If everything went well, the SSH connection will be establish and a welcome message will women phone numbers appear in the console. All commands will then be execut on the remote server. Connecting via SSH in Windows Recently, it has also become possible to connect via SSH from the Windows operating system via the command line.

special data

Previously, third-party applications

Like PuTTY or Cygwin) were us for this, but in the tenth version of the OS, a built-in OpenSSH client was add , which works the same way as in Linux. The only difference is that this utility is disabl by default, and to start executing commands, you ne seo block uploads to production for to install it in the settings. To do this, follow these steps: Open Settings -> Apps. Select the “Additional Components” sub-item. Find “OpenSSH Client” in the list and click “Install”. If this button is not there, then the service is already enabl . After installation, restart your computer. Now you ne to open the command line. You can find it through the search or press Win+R, enter “cmd” in the field and Enter.

In this case, the process of connecting via

SSH in Windows and Linux will be identical. If you are using an older version of the OS, you will ne to download a third-party client. In terms buying house b of clarity, it is easier to work with it, since there is a graphical interface, but in terms of functionality, it may be inferior to the first method. Below we list popular programs for SSH connection.