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Hashtags on Facebook – do you know what to do with them?

After a long hiatus, we bring you the next in a series of articles on how to best navigate the intricacies of social mia.

You already know what social networks actually are , why you should pay attention to them  and  when, on the contrary, it is better not to use them . You already know the three most famous networks  and you have read 4 tips for working with the most us of them – Facebook.

Tragy and fun

Today we will focus on the so-call hashtags , or keywords , w qatar whatsapp number data hich can help you better index your user-provid content .


# – what is it?

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In 2007, when developer Chris Messina suggest in one of his posts that Twitter start using hashtags, he was initially reject . But already in October of the same year, during a series of wildfires in San Diego, USA, people start using the hashtag #SanDiegoFire at Messina’s if you want to know the highest number  suggestion to share updates from the affect areas.  The use of hashtags spread immiately; today, they are us to share information about both serious political (#Cairo) and less serious (#MileyCyrus) events in equal measure.


How to create hashtags
Wondering which characters you can put in a hashtag?

Rule one: no spaces!  Even if your hashtag contains multiple words, string them all together. To distinguish between words, use capital letters instead of spaces (#B australia data lueJasmine). Search results are not capitaliz, so typing #BlueJasmine will return the same results as #bluejasmine .

Rule two: numbers are support , but punctuation is not, so forget commas, periods, exclamation points, question marks, and apostrophes. Also avoid asterisks and other special characters.

Rule Three: There is no preset list of hashtags . You simply create a brand new hashtag by putting the # symbol in front of one or more words, and if it hasn’t been us before, voila! You have creat a hashtag.

So what about Facebook hashtags?

Facebook introduc support for hashtags in June 2013. Posts mark with the same hashtag can be easily search – just click on the hashtag directly in the post , or search for the hashtag by entering it in the top search box .

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