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Facebook page management – do you know how to evaluate it?

Who is not on Facebook today, it is as if he does not exist. And lately it also applies to companies. The number of company pages continues to grow, social media managers entrusted with the management of the pages promise to build a community and increase the turnover of the company. After thinking about the strategy, building the content on the page and passing some time, there will be a moment that will (or should) be repeated periodically – the moment of evaluating the page management.


What you should do before you start

You probably won’t get into any activity you want to do without setting goals you want to achieve. So set specific goals that you want to conquer. We will describe the metric netherlands whatsapp number data s you can use to measure your success in a moment. For example, you can put the data you have found into a table every month, so that you can compare them more easily and see the shifts that have occurred during the specified period.

whatsapp data


Here  you can download a sample table for free, in which you can clearly record the metrics that will tell about the success or failure of your page – the total number of Likes, the number of Dislikes, the average total reach, the average number of likes, comments and shares for the current period.

The goals you set can be easily measured in  Google Analytics . It can be, for example, sales or completed forms with a request for your services. This information can always be found in the tab Acquisition –> Social networks .


In Google Analytics, it is convenient for our purpose you tube search to find the  to track the number of conversions with the contribution of social networks and the number of conversions where the last interaction was with social networks . Conversions here show how your social media activity affects australia data  your business, how many potential customers came to your website from your social media profile. At the bottom of the page. Yyou can see how many conversions occurred. What role a particular social network played in it, and the monetary value of the conversions.


Facebook will do the math for you

And now to Facebook itself. In order to be in the picture and know how many fans. Yyou have gained in the last few days, how many of them are from a specific demographic. Ggroup or whether they appreciate a picture or a video.

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