Home » Blog » WSI Announces Winners in Popular People’s Choice Awards Category for 2017-2018

WSI Announces Winners in Popular People’s Choice Awards Category for 2017-2018

Toronto, Canada – September 7, 2018  –  WSI , the world’s largest network of digital marketing consultants, recently announc the winners of its most popular awards category, the 2018 People’s Choice Awards. The top three winners were Bruno Moraes and Fernando Silva ( WWF Brazil ), Gilles Dandel ( ANSYS ), and Mark and Kimberly Jamieson ( StoneSense ). The winners were announc during the company’s Global Convention held in Montreal, Canada, attend by nearly 300 digital marketing consultants, industry experts and special guests.

Mark Dobson ,  Co-Founder of WSI,  said

We institut this award category to encourage and recognise the excellence that exists within the WSI network. Over the years, this has become one of the most anticipat and aspirational awards amongst our consultants. The digital marketing industry is unparallel in its dynamism and constant advancement. Our consultants must always rem taiwan whatsapp number data ain agile and attentive to keep up with the ever-changing trends and technological advancements in the digital realm. Year on year, we have seen the quality of our work improve and become more sophisticat. And this year was no exception. My sincere congratulations to Bruno, Fernando, Mark, Kimberley, Gilles and their teams for their brilliant work.”

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Bruno Moraes, Director of WSI Innova Marketing Digital, São Paulo, Brazil,  whose team work on one of the three winning projects, comment, “ On behalf of  how to rank your youtube videos Fernando and the rest of the team, we thank the WSI community for voting for us! We are very proud of the work we did for WWF Brazil and this award motivates us even more! We would also like to extend. Rour congratulations t rich data o Gilles, Mark and Kimberley for the amazing work they have done for their clients .”

The WSI People’s Choice Awards recognize excellence across the WSI network by recognizing the most

Outstanding digital marketing strategies deliver to WSI clients over a 24-month period. Nominations for the awards were evaluat and a shortlist of ten finalists was determin.  Nominations were evaluat bas on the challenges of the project, the innovativeness of the solution deliver by the WSI team. And the end results of the strategy employ by WSI to support the client’s marketing objectives.

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