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Will favoring mobile sites be the biggest algorithm change?

Yesterday, Google’s Zineb Ait Bahajji remind at an event call Search Marketing Expo in Munich that on April 21, Google will launch a new algorithm change that will affect search results on mobile devices. In addition, he also add interesting information about how big a change it will be . Let’s take a closer look at her.

Panda, Penguin – and what comes now?

For those who did not yet know ab ange (which will take effect in about a month), I will tell you that pages t new zealand whatsapp number data hat support mobile-optimiz display will be newly favor in Google’s mobile search results . The algorithm change was already announc by Matt Cutts a few weeks ago, so this information alone would not be worth mentioning.



whatsapp data

But now Zineb has stat that the change will have a significant impact on search results . We have to realize that already in some countries mobile searches are us as often as desktop searches (that is 50%). In the past, the Panda algorithm affect about 12%, the Penguin algorithm about 3% of English-language websites.

However, the current update will probably concern global search, that means all results without distinction, including Czech. Additionally, Zineb call the update significant, and Barry Schwartz speculates that the change could affect about 40% of all mobile search results . If, as  from youtube rankings to google mention, 50% of searches are on mobile devices, the algorithm changes search results about 20% of the time, which is easily the biggest update from Google in a long time .

Perhaps this is also why Google is announcing the necessity of a mobile website in advance and not proceing as in the past , when it releas an algorithm change without war australia data ning and only after the release did website owners find out how much damage the update did to the search results and what actually caus it.

The biggest update from Google

Always ready?
If you want to test whether you are ready for the algorithm change, you can test your website in  this mobile usability test directly from Google .


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