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Web designers, don’t turn your nose up at editorial systems

I find it incredible how many web designers still turn their noses up at editorial systems that are built on templates (like inPage , Squarespace , Wix or Webydo ). Raised eyebrows, cocky smirks, outbursts of forced laughter … and so on or all together.

Snobs as they should be…

Where I work, we’ve chosen Squarespace as our tool, but you’ll find the kind of snobbery we’ve experienced elsewhere on the web, even if it’s against another template-based web publisher. As one fellow web designer put it:

What? Squarespace? You know what

we tell clients who can’t afford us? “Go make a Squarespace website. You make it yourself. You don’t need us.” What about those? If they can’t pay full price for development, they’re not interesting to us.

Another friend commented as follows:

What the hell are you doing designing Squarespace’s website? Suggest him? Just tell the client to use whatever is done to them. Why are you offering a Squarespace design AT ALL? Just tell clients that they can make their own website if they want one.

Or yet another web designer:

You’re kidding me. Squarespace? I don’t have iran phone number data time for that. I have to do a proper job.

phone number data

Why are designers so dismissive of these publishers? They’d better take a good look around! Publishers using templates offer a huge business opportunity; if you keep incompetently breaking the stick over them, you’re missing out on…a huge opportunity.

The truth is: we designers are train

Vritical; criticality is part of our work. However, the moment we feel these examples demonstrate that someone is undermining our skills, that is different. In the back of the brain, every designer has a switch that flips into panic mode whenever cmo email list we feel like we might be replaced by something newer, something more automated, something that doesn’t need a human designer to carry out a process… and these publishing services are all about that anyone can create a beautiful website.

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