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There will be 20 million more Mexicans connected in 2024: CFE

At the end of the six-year term, CFE Telecomunicaciones assures that it will provide the service through its 50 thousand km of fiber optics and Altán Res.
By 2024, the 20 million Mexicans who still live without a connection will be connect to the Internet through the public program “Internet for all” of the Feral Electricity Commission (CFE),

The director general of the state-own company

Manuel Bartlett, made the commitment during his participation in the morning press conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“The proposal involves integrating 20 million Mexicans who are subject to secular backwardness and severe marginalization .”

The official argu.
Bartlett explain that the project consists of taking advantage of the 50 thousand kilometers of fiber optics install in the transmission network, to connect the population.

Area where it is plann that 32 thousand more kilometers will be built.

He explain that the optical fiber, integrat into the transmission towers’ guard cable, will be connect to a node, will pass to the telecommunications towers, and then go to the radio bases.

Finally, to personal devices cambodia whatsapp number data for the delivery of wireless Internet services on a 4.5G mobile network.

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Communities that are outside the reach of fiber optics will be connect via satellite, he argu.

Altán Res , a company with a concession to cover connectivity for more than 90% of the population, is participating in the project .

Through infrastructure that can reach communities with less than 5 thousand inhabitants.

To date, Altán has deploy 7,446 telecommunications towers and with the collaboration of the CFE, by the end of the six-year term, they will add 12,601 more.

Distribution of CFE accesses

The general director of CFE Telecommunications and Internet for All, David Pantoja Meléndez, said that they already have 62,413 free Internet points in the country, distribut in:

Regarding plans for combining both strategies is ideal contracting the service, Pantoja point out that there are monthly, half-yearly and annual packages.

The most basic plan is cz lists 30 pesos per month for one gigabyte of data and the largest is 2,100 pesos, for one year, with 20 gigabytes per month.

With information from El Economista and the Presidency.

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