6. Prepare the ad
Finally, we have reached the last stage of setting up your Facebook Ads campaign and there is very little left to have your material displayed to thousands of users on the social network.
Now it’s time to set up the page that will receive the investment. This option is mainly aimed at agencies that deal with different clients and need to create campaigns for each of them on Facebook. At this stage, it is also possible to link the Instagram account to receive the advertising.
FormatThey are:
carousel: includes two or more scrollable images or videos;
Single image: advertisement with only one illustration or photo
single video: just one audiovisual japan email list content or allows you to insert several images that become a video;
multimedia presentation: looping video of up to 10 seconds.
It is important to remember that the recommended image size is 1080×1080 pixels in a 1:1 ratio. For videos, the recommended formats are mp4, .mov or .gif, up to 15 seconds long, and the allowed size is up to 4GB.
The title of your ad is essential to attract the user’s attention. Therefore, creativity is a great ally in this process. The description of the insertion is optional and varies according to the objective of the campaign.

Of course, the destination
URL, that is, the the final steps we are taking to prepare for christmas sales landing page to which the user should be directed, is necessary for the results to be efficient. In addition, the Call to Action button (also known as CTA) is available with several options, according to the objectives determined during planning.
Conversion Tracking
There are three ways adb directory to measure the results of your ads based on conversions, and Facebook Ads allows brands to choose the best option based on their campaigns.