The hourglass presents the usual stages of progressive narrowing associated with a new expansion of strategies. In other words, after reaching maximum focus on sales processes, there is a new opening. See the stages below.
Awareness It’s, which involves making a customer realize that they have a problem or showing that pain points that have already been identified can have a solution. This is precisely one of the basic functions of marketing actions, which can be achieved through attention-grabbing content, such as:
Multimedia posts on social media
that talk about the everyday pains of your target audience without offering products;
blog posts on keywords with high search engine volume;
calls for blog posts and websites on social networks, among others.
During the pandemic, it is necessary to emphasize values that are on the rise, such as social responsibility israel email list health protection, empathy, social relationships, among others.
Once attracted, the potential customer becomes part of your network of contacts. From there, you can explore content focused on the solutions your company offers without being aggressive when promoting a product or service.
The goal is to show this client
That there is an efficient solution to the problems they have. It must be a truly didactic work of teaching with highly relevant agb directory information so that they understand how their problems will be solved.
There are several content formats for this, such as blog posts, webinars, Instagram Lives, e-books, etc. Creating landing pages to download files and nurture email flows is essential to know who is really engaging with your content.
This step involves 4 best analytics wordpress plugins finding out which messages resonated most with each potential customer who engaged in the education stage, as well as learning more about them and what they are looking for. Try to understand what values they are seeking during the pandemic, such as.