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The 5 most interesting March infographics

March – climbing behind the stove. But we will not be idle on the websites ceskeinfografiky.cz and nejinfografiky.cz ! We keep selecting interesting infographics for you that are worth looking at. And what kind of infographics were born to us in the first month of spring?


1. infographic – Opportunity’s marathon journey

The American rover Opportunity did it! The machine, which  mexico whatsapp number data was originally suppos to work for only three months, has already been working for more than eleven years .

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Thanks to this, this six-wheel machine could travel a record distance that no other human creation can match . In addition, another jubilee milestone arriv these days – Opportunity surpass the value of 42,195 meters on its virtual odometer, which is the official limit of the marathon . At the time, the rover was moving in a location that was nam Marathon Valley .

The infographic shows the rover’s long journey from “Eagle Crater” to Endeavor Crater, including several interesting stops, e.g. the discovery of rock layers , fr timestamps are like the table om which one can infer alternating wet and dry periods, until the discovery of evidence of the former existence of water suitable for life.

We wish this extraordinary probe many more successful kilometers.


We are already us to the fact that most of the things we use on a daily basis are “made in China”. Even though China’s dragon is lazy and its economy last year g australia data rew the slowest in the last 24 years, a new trend is developing here – indoor vegetable growing .

2. infographic – China’s “indoor” agricultural industry

From today’s infographic, we learn that a full 1/4 of China’s vegetables come from indoor cultivation, and that China’s total vegetable production is 170,000,000 metric tons per year .

The most popular types of vegetables grown in greenhouses are:

In 1980 there were only 5-6 “greenhouse companies” in China, while in 2010 there were already 400 of them . China’s greenhouses are also constantly getting bigger and better , and the Chinese government is clearly supporting this trend .


3. infographic – Does your teenager want to be vegan?
Not eating meat and animal products at all is now fashionable and according to many people it is the way to health and physical and mental well-being.

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