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Product Manager: Skills, Knowledge, and Learning Methods

Digital specialists define product managers as professionals who make decisions about what kind of product should be creat and how.

Who is a product manager?
Who is a product manager?
The definition of “product manager” is so multifacet that it is probably impossible to get a clear answer to the question “who is this?” Even those who are directly relat to the representatives of this profession understand the type of work of a product manager very vaguely.

The reason is probably that this is a very young position

meanwhile, having great chances for further development in the IT industry. Due to such hong kong whatsapp number data features as the specifics of a particular organization, its turnover volumes, unique corporate culture – each company has its own idea of ​​the activities and responsibilities of a product manager.

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In essence, the product manager’s responsibilities boil down to the following: organizing teamwork on a separate product that the company produces. All kinds of designers, marketers, programmers – they all work under the supervision of one product manager, who takes responsibility for promoting a specific product and manages all processes revolving around the product and its actualization on the market.
After a successful start of sales, the product manager continues for some time (usually a year or more) to monitor the rate of demand and improvement of a specific product.

In addition to analyzing the audience for which the promot product is intend, the product manager must also monitor the competitiveness of his product, pricing issues, and technical aspects.

Combining the duties of a designer

marketer , programmer and salesperson, a product manager is responsible for. Ensuring it’s all for nothing if the 301s that his product fits organically into the market situation and is in bw lists demand. However, depending on the company and its goals, the hir manager may also be engag in activities of a narrower profile.

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