Home » Blog » Prime Day as a seller on Amazon does not bring you benefits but

Prime Day as a seller on Amazon does not bring you benefits but

Prime Day is one of those Amazon days where you can expect to generate more sales than on a normal day. Not something exaggerated, but above average.

This time we didn’t prepare very well. I was on vacation and I wasn’t very on top of things so we improvised and added products at the last minute. It wasn’t necessary for me to be on top of things either but I understand that we have been “distracted” by Christmas preparations that are now the highest priority for us.

Increase in turnover by 50%

We were 50% above our “normal” turnover these days. We can already see an overall increase in figures as we are in the final stretch of Christmas. The next milestone will now be Black Friday. From then on, sales should reach five figures daily, or at least that would be my expectation if we want to meet the big goals we have set ourselves.

On a day like Prime Day, it’s normal to new zealand whatsapp number data see a spike in sales even if you’re not offering discounts on your products. That’s why I like them so much. We’ve also been participating more actively with our own offers lately.

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Sales results of our own offers

To be eligible for Prime Day, you need a minimum knowing which blog posts to update of product reviews that average around four if I recall correctly. That is, if your product has three reviews, you cannot have the visibility that Prime Day provides. You also have to offer a minimum 20% discount if I recall correctly (maybe it was also 15).

There were few sales and even less profit. That is not what we are looking for when we put products in the shop window:

  1. Greater visibility of our products and brand awareness.
  2. Start the recurring sales cycle because in the case usa data of our products, those who buy once tend to repeat.

Learn to do more and better next time

For some products, we have already appeared as “Amazon’s Choice” in the search for our brand. That is already a good sign. We are building a brand. Over time, these efforts should also be reflected in an increase in sales in our own e-commerce.

Bottom line : we’re not participating in Prime Day to generate short-term profits, but rather it’s a long-term bet. Little by little. Step by step.

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