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Organize your website and increase its conversions

When we design websites, we do it to send a message to our audience. One of the toughest obstacles we often have to overcome to really get this message across to our visitors is web clutter.

When visitors arrive at a site that they notice is all five past nine, some of them will just get up and go somewhere else; a survey conducted by Burst Media shows that 30% of all respondents will immediately leave a website if they find it too cluttered.

A chaotic website will make customers uneasy, they will feel anxious. They have a goal they want to achieve, but you make it difficult for them to trust you. If you have chaos on the site, will there be chaos in your collaboration? —Joe Ardeeser, Jordan Crown Design

But how do you know if your website is organized without clutter and clutter? After all, no one designs a website with the intention of confusing or irritating their audience.

Check your website for confusion

There are several ways to tell if you’ve built a messy website. User testing should always be the preferred method because you get real feedback from specific people. However, when they describe your website, they don’t always use the term “chaotic”. They might say something along these lines: the web is terribly hectic, it’s quite difficult to find information, they don’t know what to click on, or that it’s just too crowded.

In essence, it can be said that if the user feels overwhelmed by something and does not know where to look first, then the website is chaotic. The downside is that preparing user testing israel phone number data can be quite expensive and time-consuming. There are luxury testing options available, but you shouldn’t be deep in your pocket.

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Tools to help determine if your website

Confusing include the Five Second Test , which presents testers with a webpage for just five seconds. Then the testers don’t see it anymore, but they are asked questions about what they remembered from the page they just saw. The goal is to present information in a way that people can remember; if you have confusion on the site, I bet they won’t even remember conversion rate measures the effectiveness the most important information you’re trying to get across to them. There are both free options and the option to create a professional account.

There is one test completely free: clutter test ; it measures the amount of clutter using a certain algorithm. According cmo email list to their research, if the clutter is below 50 percent, it’s good. To give you an idea of ​​how some sites rank, Google scored 16 percent, while Yahoo! 86 percent.

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