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The Importance of Backups

For Data Security Most companies perceive their files and folders with information as a strategic asset. The loss of any documentation can lead to financial costs, deterioration of reputation. That is why the problem of protecting source codes from errors, viruses, technical failures or attacks is especially relevant. What is recommend to reserve? SQL Databases, which store everything necessary for the company’s work – contracts, invoices, reports.

Virtual machines

For this, specializ software and a ready-made cloud service are us . Equipment settings. Relevant when downloading everything you ne to a female number data new device. Documents that are not includ in the databases, but are valuable (presentations, templates). The Importance of Backups for Data Security. Image by vector4stock on Freepik. The Role of Backups in Preventing Data Loss Data protection consists of creating copies of folders or files on a third-party storage m ium.

special data

Backup is a tool for creating an archive

That will avoid the fate of the original source in the event of damage and loss of part of the information. This can happen due to program failures, a hacker attack, a breakdown of a local device, or simply human error. Copying will play we have managed to alleviate an important role if you suddenly forgot to renew the hosting and some data disappear or when transferring files from a local site to the hosting. All this is important for online business, as it allows you to restore what was lost in literally one click.

How often to create backups The frequency of backups may be affect by factors such as:

Business size A small company with a modest clientele may ne only one reservation per month. A large entrepreneur, an online store bulk lead owner, covering an audience of many thousands, may use different frequencies: from once a quarter of an hour to monthly. Storage location and its volume. If the “warehouse” resources are limit , then the optimal frequency of backups is set. It is important that SQL Databases are stor on a separate SDH.

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