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Navegg Serviços offers intelligence for operating your platforms

Has your company ever felt that it has contract platforms but is not using their full potential? In general, this error occurs due to difficulties in implementing or operating these platforms on a daily basis. To meet this market demand, we creat Navegg Serviços . This means that, in addition to developing and selling Data Intelligence and Digital Marketing solutions.

Navegg now also offers professionals dicat to operating Navegg ‘s own

DMP and CDP platforms , as well as solutions from other brands , including CRM strategies . After having several data sources, companies ne to count on professionals from different areas so that they can “decipher” how this information rich people number data will be us in an intelligent and, of course, profitable way. Therefore, the idea is to understand the demand of each client and map tools and solutions that help these companies reach their target audiences in an intelligent way, using different channels, with performance and communication analyses.

special data

Considering the various possibilities

That Digital Marketing offers, it is necessary to rely not only on technology platforms and solutions to guarantee efficient strategies, but also everyone understands how it on professionals who know how to guide companies on how to use such solutions in a way that makes sense – hence the ne to talk about customiz solutions. In addition to starting 2022 with the launch of several products such as OPI (cookieless solutions for publishers

Navegg Vision (content personalization) and, soon

CDP, the new service modality promises to material data operate solutions for companies of different sizes and with different objectives. Não se esqueça de dar os créditos aos autores desse texto. This means that, in addition to developing and selling Data Intelligence and Digital Marketing solutions, Navegg now also offers professionals dicat to operating Navegg ‘s own DMP and CDP platforms , as well as solutions from other brands , including CRM strategies.

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