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Javascript Injection – methods of attack and defense

At this point we should have minimiz duplication. For normal refactoring, when there is not enough time, it would be enough.
For complete refactoring, I would create according to point no. 3. interface IEmployee, which would contain all the necessary methods.
Next would be the creation of the abstract class AbstractEmployee implementing the interface IEmployee, and then common methods for all classes of employees would be implement. In our case, for internal and external employees. The new EmployeeExternal and EmployeeInternal classes would be extensions of the abstract class with their own implementation of the gross salary calculation and their own additional methods and variables.

There are various programs

to detect duplication, but also other problems such as empty try-catch blocks, unus methods, variables and identifying other problems. Some open-source solutions with descriptions can be found at

5. Comments and description
However, the description should be part of the code. It is enough to simply and briefly describe what the given method/class/interface/… does. At a minimum, the public methods of the class should be describ. They shouldn’t have comments in the code itself. The code should be readable and understandable even without it. However, if such a comment is found in the code, it is rather a sign that we have not implement something properly.er interesting things a
Web application security is very important. In the article, we will show several Javascript Injection attacks and explain how to defend against them.

The term Javascript Injection appears

a number of security articles. Most of these articles just mention that this type of attack can steal a user’s identity and exploit it, leaving out the details. We will focus on specific technical details including code samples.

The principle of the attack consists in inserting your own javascript code into the HTML page that is display to another user. For example, instead of the text of the post in the discussion forum, we can insert a tag <skript>, which will then be insert into the page for all readers of this post.

If we manage to inject the script into the pages display to other users, we still have two problems. First, we ne to obtain data representing the user’s identity. This step is often simple, as most web applications use philippines phone number data some form of session management for identification, and all we ne to obtain is the session ID. The identifier is most often stor in cookies, which are available for JavaScript in document cookie.


phone number data

The second — and significantly more complicat — problem is getting that data into our hands. Let us recall here that our script runs directly in the browser of the attack user and does not have much possibility to transfer the stolen data anywhere else. Basically, the only reasonable way is to use the browser’s network the balance between demonstratin functions and send the data (e.g. via HTTP) to our server.


Unfortunately, the aforemention security cg leads measure only complicates the life of programmers, but does not stop sneaky attackers at all. Now we will show two ways.

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