Black Friday is coming. Participation is not mandatory, but it can be a great way to increase brand awareness and increase sales. The question now arises for traders whether to participate in this event or not. And if so, how to create a really effective marketing campaign and when to start it.
To engage or not? That’s what’s going on here
According to market analysis, Black Friday sales have seen significant growth over the past decade, with online sales reaching record highs each year . You can look at specific numbers for 2023 in the Czech Republic here .
This year’s Black Friday falls on November 29, and acco malaysia whatsapp number data whatsapp data rding to previous years, it can be expected that the entire working week before or after Black Friday will take place in the name of discounts. Many marketers are already preparing their campaigns, but others are still deciding whether it’s worth it .
Here are some pros and cons for you to consider:
+ Customers are excited and ready to spend. Discounts often entice them so much that they end up spending a lot more money.
+ Website visitors can use discounts to buy from you, giving you the chance to convert one-time customers into loyal customers .
+ Existing customers will appreciate your participation in Black Friday, which will ensure their loyalty .
+ Black Friday is also a great opportunity to sell last items and clear out warehouses .
– Deep discounts devalue your work and can even bring l when should a website use canonical osses, especially if you are a small business.
– Customers often buy only once thanks to discounts, but then they don’t come back to you.
– The massive interest of customers places really high demands on the website’s performance .
If you’ve decided to go for it, you need to prepare a g shopping data reat email campaign to get the word out about your participation. In the second part of the article we will advise you how to do this, but now we have a tip for those of you who have convinced the points against.
– Your offer can easily get lost in the flood of others.
An original way to (not) participate in Black Friday
If you feel that heavy discounts would undervalue your goods and damage the integrity of the brand, solve it like LOOQ Designermode.