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Is “old-school” telemarketing over?

Consumer habits have changed in recent times, whether on the BtoC or BtoB side . This revival affects all sectors of the company, and telemarketing over is not left out. A key player in BtoB commerce and marketing, telemarketing or remote marketing has seen its practices evolve to adapt to the new context imposed by the health crisis, and has become essential in recent times. A global reassessment of the sector is underway to best support companies in their commercial development, while the context has changed in 18 months.

Is “classic” telemarketing obsolete or does it still have a bright future?

New trends that support telemarketing

The health crisis has allow overseas data remote tools and practices to develop and become essential, but the underlying principle has been reinforced: today, the quality of the commercial relationship prevails over quantity .

The goal is to perpetuate business relationships to promote customer loyalty. To do this, the relationship must be based on trust and listening. More than ever, people and customer experience are at the heart of the sales prospecting and customer relationship process.

overseas data

It is possible (and essential) in the digital age to engage in human interactions in order to understand the expectations and needs of prospects in your market , to initiate initial discussions and make appointments for future discussions, but also to give the company’s prospects an image of proximity .

Telemarketing is increasingly personalize in the service of greater relational quality, which promotes interactions, qualification and customer loyalty .

New tools

Once again, these google search console and make new practices complement phoning and become essential to any remote marketing strategy.

The job of tele-advisor has also evolved to become an expert consultant in customer support and business opportunity development . With people being place at the center of the relationship, the tele-advisor has become a “business developer” . The role of sedentary salespeople is very important; they are the voice of the brand, they logically adhere to the values ​​of the company and the product or service, while having the human qualities necessary for this type of position.

The basis of “pure” telemarketing is still present, but the ar numbers practice is expanding with new techniques. The basis, however, which is the remote commercial relationship, is more than ever at the center of all current commercial strategies. Partner of SMEs and major accounts in industry, construction and services, since 1986, Phone Partners supports Directors, Sales Managers and Customer Relationship Managers in the management of remote commercial relationships, by integrating all these specificities into its solutions.

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