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Is it worth investing in SEO: why positioning pays off
Start working with a trustworthy partner!
Internet marketing, advertising and developing companies are our passion and daily bread. We are always up to date with the latest trends, in order to give you what works best. A specific result, without burning through the budget. For each task we have trained specialists who will deliver the promised results.Standard positioning from several popular phrases.
Broad positioning for several hundred or an infinite number of phrases
Local positioning
positioning for mobile devices and voice search Standard positioning is global positioning, i.e. the general raising of the position of our website in Google results under specific phrases. It is used when we want to promote the brand nationwide or globally. Local positioning, on the other hand, is the raising of the position of the website under specific phrases.
But only locally when the search comes
from a given region or city or contains the name of the town. Broad positioning, for mobile devices or voice search are more specialized types of positioning, which will provide organic traffic appropriately related to people searching for more specific phrases, using vietnam email list mobile devices or searching for information by voice. They are expressed alternatively or supplementarily in a situation when we want to acquire precisely such traffic.
The time and costs of positioning
A website vary depending on many factors. Positioning a wechat mini program development solutions website in a popular topic category can take up to a year, and in the case of moderately popular categories, it is about half a year or less. Positioning afb directory costs depend on the agency’s offer and the intensity of work and can range from about PLN 1,000 to several thousand zlotys per month, which is the average amount spent on positioning.