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In-demand remote jobs: earn money without leaving home

Until relatively recently, one could only dream of a highly paid job via the Internet. The activities of bloggers, SMM managers, SEO optimizers and headhunters in the early 2000s were a novelty for most ordinary people. Today, these are in-demand remote professions, profitable and quite official, and not just part-time jobs.

To earn money on the Internet

you need to decide on the choice of a suitable activity and constantly develop in this direction. It is not necessary to receive a special education here.

The full list of modern remote professions is constantly changing and expanding, so it is quite problematic to publish an up-to-date and comprehensive list. In this article, we will consider only the main areas of work via iraq whatsapp number data the Internet, allowing specialists to develop and earn good money.

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Remote work with text
Answering the question of what remote professions are in demand today, we can say with confidence: these are specialties related to text processing (writing, design and editing). Copywriters and rewriters are engaged in this activity on the Internet.

The GeekBrains team, together with international career development specialists, have prepared materials that will help you start your journey to your dream profession.
The selection contains only the most popular and highly paid specialties and areas in the IT sphere. 86% of our students, with the help of these materials, have decided on a career goal for the near future!

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The main requirements for a specialist in working with texts are a good command combining both strategies is ideal of the Russian language, excellent knowledge of spelling and grammar. And, of course, free time and unlimited Internet are necessary.

One way or another, the following people work with texts remotely:

Copywriters and rewriters
Both of them create cg leads unique text content to fill informational and commercial sites, blogs and large portals.


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