Home » Blog » I give you an idea – sell market research for Amazon niches

I give you an idea – sell market research for Amazon niches

Years ago my brother had a platform for selling market research. In the end, he had too much competition and had to give up. When he started, about 10 years ago, he was the first and for a long time the only one.

Even so, I throw this to you as an idea:

We were recently contacted by a potential German client. To start off, he asked me for market data. I sent him a proposal to create a market study for him. It’s a bit curious because all the data I’m going to provide him already exists through tools such as Jungle Scout, Helium10, Keepa, etc.

It all starts in your head. In most cases malaysia whatsapp number data we make things bigger than they really are. You have to have the winning mentality of “I’m going to get this done no matter what.” When I was 20 or 30 years old, I didn’t give much importance to the mental part because I got everything done with brute force. You have plenty of energy at that age and you think you’re Superman or Superwoman.

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Let’s get to it. Let’s start the day!

  • Many managers of medium and large wp seo structured data schema companies do not know how to use these tools, do not have access to them, and do not want to learn how to use them.
  • There is added value in extracting this data and presenting it in a compressed form. It is a task that not everyone is capable of doing.

This is clearly a business opportunity

I still have the same feeling of energy but I’m  usa data more aware that it’s a false illusion because if you don’t keep everything in balance (sleep, nutrition, exercise, mental health) you won’t be able to move forward as you would like. given that there are more than 3,000 new sellers on Amazon every day. Then there is also the fact that it could be combined with artificial intelligence. These types of reports could surely be created later in a semi-automated way. I’ll leave it as an idea for you…

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