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How much more can you earn by selling on marketplaces other than Amazon?

In March of this year I wrote a post about our new architecture that we want to implement in 2024. We will probably get half of the points from what was proposed. In the end it is not bad either, although it is not 100% of what I would have liked.

I had set my sights on plenty as a tool to automate the management of several marketplaces. The bad thing is that I had not informed myself well about the variable cost. This will possibly mean that we will change plans to a cheaper option. Luckily, at this planning stage it does not require a great cost. It is true that part of the team had already started to study plenty in more detail but we have not yet started any type of integration.

Being now more aware of the cost of these tools

We must also look at the phone number library impact on sales. The good thing is that I have some data from client projects that give me a bit of a clue.

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1 Estimation of the impact on sales based on client projects
2 Estimation of the impact on sales based on market share
3 Estimation of the impact based on affinity and theme of the marketplace
Estimation of the impact on sales based on client projects
Here I have seen that companies usually invoice 20% or more outside of Amazon. This is quite considerable. In our case, the potential turnover for 2025 in this case could reach up to 500k. The higher the figure, the less you believe it. I would settle for much less for the moment.


phone number library

Estimation of the impact on sales based on market share

Another way to make the estimate is environmental impact of hotspot through the market share of the marketplace in question. A very approximate average could be 10%. This last figure is a bit random honestly because it will depend on the country or countries in which you want to sell and the marketplace itself. 10% seems to me to be a turkey data more realistic figure and in our case it could help us increase sales in 2025 by about 250k.

Organize extra hours for the warehouse

For the previous point, there will be no other option than to put in extra hours just as we did last year. These will obviously be paid for, but we have to see who does them and when. Another thing is to take into account the additional cost that must somehow be reflected in a higher ROI and margin at the time of sale.

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