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Here is the Google Trends Data

This is also an important benefit of using trend data for content marketing because you would know if people are searching for it in real-time which will judge the weight of your content to fit their interests.  dashboard: google trends data Specific queries require a broad approach for content so knowing the user’s interest over time will help you cater to this method. It can also help you level a playing field on your competition and see what would work to best cater the audience you serve in that industry. Effective Content Augmentation Relevancy is one of the best areas to target in content marketing. Trend data can help you take your previous content, the ones that are turning stale, and revive it into content that your audience will enjoy.

Having data at your disposal can

help you augment your content better, which is a wasted opportunity for most content marketers. Take a look at pages that have reached their peak before but are falling short now and transform it into something fresh. This will rack up traffic to your site since it shows that your content is keeping up with people’s interests. It is important that you always take the initiative to be in the forefront in answering user queries. Content Augmentation will help you achieve greater heights for your content so if you are not doing it now, I suggest you start doing so. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Marketing (SMM) are two of the largest facets of digital marketing today.

While some would argue that one is

better than the other, combining SEO and SMM can provide excellent results. Now I know what you may be thinking, a brand’s social media presence does not directly affect rankings on search engines and vice versa, right? Studies have shown that there is a correlation between good rankings and having many social media mentions and links. At the same time, you can convert website visitors into social media followers and engage with them more to increase brand loyalty. Social Networks presence in relation to site rank You might be asking, can’t I just focus on one?’ Well, it’s a yes and a no. But hear me out. Look at these numbers from an e-commerce website that is ranking well and has a good social media presence.

Both Organic traffic and Social traffic are

bringing in users and revenue really well. Organic traffic and Social traffic You could definitely just focus on one. However, if you remove one, you are definitely missing out on a lot of opportunities to gain more revenue for your business. Have I convinced you enough that SEO and SMM can work together? Well then here are some tips to get you started based on my experience and from other digital marketers. Build trust by having optimized social media profiles and website One of the hottest topics in SEO in recent years is E-A-T (expertise, authority, and trust). Google uses E-A-T to evaluate each website in its index according to the Google Quality Raters Guidelines.

The reason why I brought this up is that Google

quality raters use business directories afghanistan phone number library and social media profiles to assess if a website is legitimate and trustworthy. This means making sure that your social media profiles are properly linked to your website and have complete business details can improve your website’s E-A-T rating. SEO Hacker’s profile On the other hand, it also helps build customer trust. Maria Grace, owner/Online Marketing Expert at Maria Grace LLC, said that “a strong social media presence validates a business’ website and vice versa”. She said “oftentimes, a potential customer that finds a business’s website will visit their social media profiles next, and the same is true the other way around.

Having a strong presence online through several

different channels builds a trust factor between your business and your future clients”. Publish blog posts that can rank organically and make them easier to share One of the easiest ways to make SEO and SMM work is to publish SEO content on your website and share them on your social media profiles to get social traffic. Now the keyword here is posts that “can rank organically”. The reason is why many people rely too much on the traffic that they get from social media. It’s good that you can get a good amount of traffic from social media, however, social media posts decay at a fast pace.

You share it today and get traffic to your

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website in the next 2 to 3 days while improved upload form to get image froage from  your post is at the top of your page. After that, you’ll see a huge dip. Making sure that your blog posts rank organically allows you to get more traffic as time goes by. Make sure that you make it easier to share your articles by installing social media share buttons on your website. When a person shares your article, they are most likely associated with other people that have the same interests. This prolongs your content’s visibility without you having to promote it continuously. Publish blog posts Drip feed content to your social media profiles Drip feed is a strong content strategy that is used by many companies to keep customers engaged.

What you do here is instead of sharing your

published content from your website to usa data your social media profiles in one go, you release content slowly. Niles Koenigsberg, Digital Marketing Specialist at Fig Advertising, highly recommends the drip-feeding content to maximize visibility. He said, “far too often, we see companies put in numerous hours on their blog content to only share the piece once or twice on social media in the days following its publication. Don’t fall into this vicious cycle! Instead, throughout the rest of the year. When you drip feed content, you get to maximize the visibility of your blog for a greater length of time and you’ll be able to effectively engage with more followers through those posts.

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