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Formulate clear requirements in the vacancy

A friendly atmosphere is not about “everyone in our company is one of us,” but about support within the limits of one’s competence and respect for each other’s boundaries. Don’t work with feedback As we wrote above, feedback is important even in response to resumes that were not suitable. It may happen that when a person has more advanced skills, the applicant will prefer your company to another thanks to adequate feedback.

Feedback is doubly important for employees in a company

It happens that managers do not want to spend time on such morocco phone number library tasks. They do not collect feedback, do not pay attention to requests, do not consider it necessary to praise for successfully completed transactions. When a person understands that he is not heard, he loses motivation and interest in work. This affects the results of projects and the company’s finances.

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Therefore, it would be good to set aside time for feedback

What needs to be done to ensure that employees are motivated and truly love their work, read our article . Recommendations: from finding candidates to forming a cohesive team We provide advice on finding resumes, writing job postings and conducting interviews, and uniting and motivating employees.

The search is unlikely to be successful

The recruiter does not know what kind of employee the the height of skill is if company needs. To understand this, formulate specific requirements. Think about what skills the candidate for the position should have and how you will evaluate the applicant’s qualifications. Write about what you offer. Work under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or paid leave are not bonuses from a future employer, but their responsibilities.

The ability to take an additional day

Off or an offer to pay for courses will make the position cg leads potentially more attractive to the applicant. An example of a vacancy that clearly states what requirements applicants must meet Don’t limit yourself to just the well-known job search sites If you are looking for experienced professionals, it may be that CVs posted on standard sites are not enough. Such professionals try to publish CVs and portfolios on specialized resources.

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