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Your corporate policy should not encourage frequent overtime

The personal growth of team members would be more active. If you, as a manager, see potential in an employee, talk to him, offer some higher-level pilot tasks. For example, a programmer can try himself as a team leader if he temporarily manages a small team. He will be able to plan and distribute work, evaluate the results and resolve any conflicts that arise. You will be able to evaluate his skills and readiness for such a role and, if successful, expand his area of ​​responsibility.

Eliminate constant overtime

Nobody likes working overtime, especially on a regular basis. Over romania phone number library time, heavy workloads can demotivate even the most loyal and engag employees. no matter how much some managers would like it to. Let’s say your team is constantly staying late at the office.

Find out why

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There more work to do and the workload has increas, or is someone not performing their duties as efficiently as they should be? In the first case, it’s worth bringing in additional resources, and in the second, working with the “laggards.” There is another option: an employee can stay overtime on his own initiative if he is passionate about the idea and wants to finish the job faster. But do not take this for grant. Such a hard-working team member can sometimes be given extra days off and reward financially.

The most important thing is to make sure

That it does not start to burn out over time. After all, the medical testing service wechat mini program erson himself may not notice this. And don’t use him as an example to the rest of the team: conversations like “He’s great, but you’re not” are very demotivating. It’s okay to publicly thank such an employee for working overtime once, but you shouldn’t buy lead do it all the time. Give equal attention to all team members. Another way to ruce the workload of employees is to implement artificial intelligence and automate some of the work.

For example, a bot can draw up

Standard documents and accept applications from clients. Don’t burden your employees with other people’s tasks Many managers over-optimize the organization’s resources and, as a result, shift other people’s work onto their employees. Often, it goes beyond the person’s competencies and job responsibilities. This leads to demotivation and burnout of the employee. The quality of his work decreases, and there is a risk of early dismissal.

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