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Career guidance for young children: forms, methods, technologies of work

The first glimpse of work and labor is very important for a child, because it significantly influences his understanding of the importance of the role of different professions in society.

The Importance of Early Career Guidance for Preschool Children
The Importance of Early Career Guidance for Preschool Children
The whole world, society and, accordingly, the labor market are rapidly developing and changing. Of course, it is unknown now what will happen in ten years and what professions will be relevant and in demand. However, it is obvious that in such a dynamically changing world, a person’s flexibility will be valu, his ability to change the direction of career development and learn new things, so that he can succe in different areas and realize himself in many of his endeavors.

This means that for modern

children the factor of cognitive activity becomes very important, which determines the vector of efforts of preschool ucation.

And it is not about adults choosing a profession for a child at preschool age, of course, but about giving the child a choice. So, it all starts with the child getting acquaint with work and professions in general. Only after getting acquaint with some sphere of activity, the child already learns something new and expands his horizons. And the more such knowlge and skills he has, the easier it will be for him to choose a profession at a conscious age, bas on his skills and preferences.
Just as children are italy whatsapp number data help by their teachers at the initial stages of career guidance, they themselves become familiar with work through ucational activities and various games.

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Parents, of course, also actively participate in the development of their own children, helping teachers. Interacting with parents, children learn new things, learn the norms of social behavior, improve their communication and study skills, and, of course, get acquaint with work and various professions.

Visual aids for career guidance work for young children

In the process of teaching children in general and in career guidance in these examples demonstrate particular, the factor of clarity is very important. Children learn any information better if you give them a good example and show cg leads them a visual illustration. Technical means help in this – from projectors to regular computers – and “classic” school means: presentations, books and others.

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