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Calendar Many people prefer to create a content plan of this type

It helps to detail the distribution of all publications by dates and categories. Content plan format “Calendar”. Image by freepik. Mind map The most creative moment in creating a content plan. The central, fundamental term has main branches-types, sub-branches – headings, the smallest branches – topics. Content plan format “Mind map”. Step 6. Fill in the content plan Before creating a document, it is necessary to think through not only the topic, but also the format of the material presentation.

It is important to consider the main goals

Of the business, the collective nature of the target audience. This determines what type of content will best fit into your plans. However, no one forbids overseas chinese data combining. Informational content It will help solve the main problems of users: it will provide useful information, include an overview, recommendations, ways of using the product, its strengths and weaknesses.

special data

This can also include various instructions, for example

How to clean a sewer in 5 minutes.” Selling content The main goal is to present a product or service in a “tasty” way so that consumers have a products for sale on Instagram stories desire to make an order or purchase. The selling text includes announcements of promotions and discounts. It may look like this: “Only until the end of the week, when buying a three-piece soft sofa for the living room, you get a coffee table as a gift.

Here it is important to emphasize the benefit for

The potential buyer, explain how to material data get it (activate a link, fill out a special form, make an order or application). Engaging content Helps attract new subscribers, encourages the audience to perform expect actions. The goal is achiev by organizing contests, conducting surveys, and various quizzes. You can ask readers to share stories from their lives, for example, tell a funny incident, an unusual reaction to a gift relat to the products of a given company.

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