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BtoB marketing and sales: putting emotion back in its place

We have recently seen that the major trends in BtoB marketing and sales recommend channeling conversational flows , which are increasingly important, in the most automated way possible , in order to leave the prospect or lead independent, but also to promote human relations only when it is necessary and when it adds added value to the exchange… We have also noted that the trend of connected objects and AI (Artificial Intelligence) will take up more and more space in BtoB omnichannel marketing. How can you stand out and best retain customers ? Emotion always seems to be the key to success ; therefore, putting it back at the center of the customer journey seems essential

Combining AI and emotion

Emotion is unique to human beings: the memories we have, no matter how distant, are anchored in us when a strong emotion is linked to them, whether pleasant or unpleasant . Consequently, your customers will remember their experience even better if it appeals to an emotion, whether positive or negative. This is why a customer who is not satisfied will more easily communicate about a negative emotion and share it to express their anger or dissatisfaction, which can, in the age of social networks, be catastrophic for a company’s image.

Don’t forget that the whatsapp data opposite is also true, and that positive emotion is just as impactful! Artificial intelligence seems to have its limits when it comes to managing emotions.

Indeed, there is nothing like a mirror effect , sincere listening , empathy and a response adapted to the situation and the emotion of the customer in order to best appease them. We had also explained in a previous article that authenticity and sincerity are the two trendy values ​​of the moment.

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While conversational automations can handle the incoming flow to a certain extent, it is imperative to identify the customer’s irritant or need , in order to direct them to an advisor capable of listening, reformulating, and empathizing.

Integrating emotional intelligence into the formulas propose by AI is one solution, but you still have to be careful to find the solution that is best suite to your business. One of the most reasonable options at the moment may be to automate part of the processes, while keeping the human element necessary for any relationship.

And the human in all this?

As we often repeat, the experts will provide additional ideas conduct focus human factor is complementary and necessary to automation. Sincerity and authenticity are values ​​that are, more than ever, popular. And this, despite the major consumer trend, which is the increase in conversation volumes via digital. Indeed,  54% of customers say in a study that they have bought more online while 65% of them can no longer stand standardized and impersonal exchanges .
Emotional intelligence is a factor to ar numbers take into account when recruiting advisors who represent a company’s values. But how can you spot these qualities in your future employees? As specialists in quality customer relations , we offer companies to delegate this part to us. Our customer relationship development solution makes it possible to unify all of the company’s interactions with its targets while training your stakeholders to use different media , and by emphasizing the company’s values ​​and the quality of the customer relationship.

Partner of SMEs and major accounts in industry, construction and services, since 1986, Phone Partners supports Directors, Sales Managers and Customer Relations Managers in the management of remote commercial relations, by integrating all these specificities into its solutions.

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