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B2B Marketing: What is a successful customer relationship?

According to the ecommerce magazine, customer relationship is defined as follows: “Customer relationship is the set of actions aimed at increasing sales by creating and monitoring a relationship with customers ”. The subject is endless B2B Marketing because the factors of a good customer relationship must adapt to the context.

In order to establish a good customer relationship , it is essential to balance human fundamentals with useful technological tools. Humans always remain at the heart of a quality relationship because the tools put in place must be useful to them.
In this article, we will define the 5 points on how to improve customer relations on which it is essential, in our opinion, not to compromise:

1. Human beings at the heart of every relationship

Human intelligence and emotion must remain a priority in the era of all-automation; an intelligent customer relationship today relies on technological tools in order to flourish in the exchange .

B2B companies must find their balance by using solutions to accommodate customer volume, while creating personalized relationships . The customer, whether in B2B or B2C, expects listening, reformulation and questioning from the company that contacts them. Today, customers are more receptive than ever to human exchange, listening, empathy, understanding.

The recruitment of your business updated 2024 mobile phone number data developers or sedentary sales representatives must be done with discernment; they are the voice of your company. At Phone Partners, we offer to take care of this part by recruiting, delegating, or training your employees so that you can focus on the essentials.

2. Customer experience above all

 Every company today must pay attention to the quality of the commercial relationship through the customer experience . The quest for customer satisfaction meets a dual objective: increase the frequency of your customers’ purchases and transform them into prescribers of your services… Because don’t forget that today, customer dissatisfaction is heard as much as satisfaction, with social networks and customer review systems.

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To do this, it is necessary to listen to the market, understand the customer’s needs, and regularly monitor its developments. It is by carrying out surveys and modeling the customer journey that we find the crucial information to guarantee and implement an optimized Customer Relationship Management (CRM) approach for each company we support. This detailed knowledge of your customers’ satisfaction constitutes a differentiating lever for your loyalty objectives.

3. Choose a good CRM

CRM  (Customer Relationship Management) is a business database management tool that is effective once configured according to your specific needs (development of specifications) and used to 100% of its capabilities. The challenge for any BtoB or BtoC company today? Acquiring and operating a commercial CRM tool that suits it to boost its development and growth.

Our knowledge of data and the the logo must fit in any environment vision of what the company’s needs will be tomorrow is essential. Phone Partners’ strength lies there: knowing that a commercial CRM is a tool, that it meets business needs and that it must be at the service of third parties who use it.

4. Digitize your customer relationship

Effective customer canvassing includes telephone ar numbers prospecting reinforced by a multichannel strategy adapted to your company and your clientele.
Multichannel represents all the physical or virtual interfaces that allow the customer to meet the brand. A multichannel strategy multiplies the channels of contact and marketing solicitation (e-commerce site, social networks, chatbot, phoning, mailing, etc.).
Automation is also booming at the moment, in order to absorb increasingly large incoming conversational volumes. Conversational automations have progressed enormously and can manage the incoming customer flow to a certain extent, but it is imperative to identify the customer’s irritant or need in order to direct them to an advisor capable of listening.

The role of Phone Partners? To support you in setting up a Customer Relations Center to manage incoming and outgoing multi-media and multi-channel messages in order to initiate and amplify the enchantment of those who are the reason for your company’s existence: your customers. This relational bridge is a significant point of differentiation in our experience.

5. Focus on strategy

An essential question to ask yourself before starting any business relationship: is your strategy the right one? It is of course essential to take the time necessary to analyze the positioning of your product or service, to identify your targets and to work on customer experiences around them, but also to always monitor your data in order to question your strategy and constantly improve it.

This is why our role is also to support you in implementing your strategy as consultants, but also to give you the opportunity to refocus on the essentials by delegating the most “productive” parts of your sales department.

So, do you tick the boxes for a successful customer relationship? BtoB sales is an expertise that includes different facets, do not hesitate to delegate to an external company in order to focus on your strategy and your development.

Partner of SMEs and major accounts in industry, construction and services, since 1986, Phone Partners supports Directors, Sales Managers and Customer Relationship Managers in the management of remote commercial relationships , by integrating all these specificities into its solutions. Contact us, we will be happy to answer all your questions.