In this article, we will tell you about each of them and teach you how to act “proactively” so that there are as few people as possible who want to leave your company. You are reading the magazine Compass -Learn more about Compass Five stages of dismissal Preparation for dismissal occurs in stages. At first, a person only occasionally thinks about leaving, later – begins to take active steps.
Let’s take a closer look at what “r flags
Can tell a manager about an impending problem and what philippines phone number library methods there are to retain an employee at each stage. Stage one: decreas motivation At this stage, a person begins to lose interest in work. His motivation and, as a result, productivity and efficiency are greatly ruc. The employee performs a minimum of tasks: only the most necessary ones.
He is not interest in new projects and does not show initiative
You can determine a decrease in motivation, for example, like this: talk to the person about the future of the company. If he behaves distantly, as if he no longer feels part of the team, then most likely there is already a problem with motivation.
What to do Don’t ignore these signals
You ne to talk openly with the employee and find out wechat mini program development solutions what is causing this mood. Perhaps the problem is in routine or monotonous activities, for example, the person lacks new interesting tasks. Offer him to lead a major initiative or undergo additional training, for example, refresher courses. You can discuss career prospects or ways to free himself from the operational work. Stage Two: Emotional Detachment Sometimes a person who us to be the life and soul of the party suddenly starts to distance himself from the team and ignores corporate life.
For example, he no longer drinks
Coffee with everyone at lunch and does not participate in Friday get-togethers. Or when ask whether he wants to chat after work, he constantly refuses or buy lead avoids answering. If informal communication with colleagues becomes significantly less, then this is a very alarming bell. Of course, a person may have personal reasons that are not relat to work. But it is better to play it safe in advance and talk to the employee.