Home » Blog » A large statistic of the average values ​​of the most important metrics in emailing

A large statistic of the average values ​​of the most important metrics in emailing

Are you interest in how the average values ​​of emailing differ depending on the industry, geolocation, time and frequency of sending or the tactics us? Us too. That’s why we us data from a worldwide study of the GetResponse tool and prepar a clear comparison of the most important metrics across relevant categories.


The most important e-mailing metrics and how they are calculat

One of the most commonly track metrics is the switzerland whatsapp number data click-through rate. It shows what proportion of those who receiv the email us a link in the body of the message and click through to somewhere else.


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In this article, we will look at four basic indicators of tube video seo is the chance to rank  email quality. Let’s explain. Them first so. You know what each name means.


Open rate
The basic metric for e-mailing is the open rate. Whatever emailing tool we use, we get open rate data automatically . The parameter tells about ho shopping data w we manag to interest those to whom the e-mail was intend. In this way, we will find out the percentage of those who open our message.

How to calculate open rate: (number of messages open ÷ number of messages deliver) × 100.


Click-through rate

How to calculate click-through rate: (number of clicks ÷ number of emails deliver) × 100.


Click-to-open rate
This metric shows how many readers who open an email click on a link in it.

How to calculate CTOR: (number of email opens ÷ number of clicks to somewhere else) × 100.


Unsubscribe rate
The unsubscribe rate indicates how many people unsubscrib from the mailing list within the given campaign .

How to calculate unsubscribe rate: (number of unsubscribes ÷ number of emails sent) × 100.

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