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BtoB marketing and sales: solutions to overcome staff shortages

The health crisis has disrupted the habits of companies, which have learned to adapt to the most uncomfortable situations. Productivity , largely resulting from good process fluidity as well as employee commitment and cohesion , has been affected. Staff shortages are being felt in many sectors. For an SME manager, what a headache it is not to be able to recruit; this directly impacts the productivity and efficiency of a company . Wasting time trying to solve this problem also means wasting energy BtoB marketing and sales and money, which can be a handicap for any company, especially in these precious times of recovery. In order to stay focus on strategy and productivity , here are some tips to help employees not get distract.

Staff shortages affect all levels of the company

lack of staff affects all sectors of telegram database users list a company, regardless of its core business. Understaffing creates an additional workload for other employees, which increases work overload and psychosocial risks (burnout). Even productivity is affect, and files are leave aside.

For example, in the case of a sales team, it is essential to be able to do the background work, qualify the database and prospect continuously.

Technology to the rescue of SMEs

The health crisis has definitely shaken up working methods since  53% of entrepreneurs introduce improvements in working practices during the pandemic, and 49% invest in new technologies .

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E-commerce , online payment and cash management applications are increasingly popular with SMEs. The challenge is to find solutions so that the most basic work can be automate, with the aim of reserving human intelligence and authenticity for more appropriate subjects.

We mention in a previous decryption article the emergence of voice technologies . Indeed, since conversation remains the central subject of customer relations, it is logical to turn to automation to a certain degree (chatbot for example), while keeping the personalization value in mind. The customer must be able to be independent and find their answer alone as much as possible.

[1] Source Federation of Small Business

Outsourcing your remote sales prospecting: an asset for your business

Choosing to delegate your sales you can choose from 24 mind map templates and prospecting is a real asset for your company. Of course, you delegate the selection and training of your call center agents, and you ensure a qualitative and constant approach, define with your phoning company.
At Phone Partners, we are delight to be able to provide BtoB SMEs with our expertise in sales prospecting , customer loyalty , but also database qualification .

As you will have understood, a fine balance ar numbers between technology and humanity is necessary for the proper functioning of a company. In these particular times, where the lack of personnel can feel, there are solutions to be able to maintain your productivity and your turnover.

Partner of SMEs and major accounts in industry, construction and services, since 1986, Phone Partners supports Directors, Sales Managers and Customer Relations Managers in managing remote commercial relationships.

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