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Best practices manual for a Content Manager

Every organization or company today knows how important content is for communication. Most understand that this is the essential basis for users to understand why and for what purpose a business, enterprise, corporation or non-profit foundation exists. 

Those who work as digital marketing specialists or as Content Managers face different challenges every day when they begin to plan or develop the information they are going to include in blog articles, pillar pages, email marketing campaigns and social networks.

The most common questions and doubts are: What are bahamas phone number list we going to write about? Has content been developed before? What other formats are we going to use? How and where are we going to publish the content? What are we going to do to improve our search engine positioning?

We understand and know that it is not easy to answer all of this, and it is also possible that the excess of information that exists today, in relation to the best tactics, can confuse or overwhelm you. That is why, on this occasion, we share with you a complete manual of good practices for Content Managers. Keep reading! 

What is a content manager?

The content manager is responsible for managing, creating, improving and optimizing the content of a website (landing pages, blog, etc.) according to the content marketing and SEO strategy that the company has established. 

As Content Managers at Cebra, we design content strategies everything you need to know about lead tracking taking into account the principles of the Inbound Marketing methodology and the search intentions of users to create original blog articles (and other content) that meet the needs of users and the objectives of each organization. 

To achieve good results, we have applied a series of practices that change according to Google algorithm updates and new trends in the dynamic world of content marketing. 

Good practices for a Content Manager

1. The content strategy

Those who spend many hours organizing, executing or enhancing their actions in the area of ​​content marketing no longer underestimate the importance of strategy. Prior planning and belize lists  documentation that must be done before beginning the development of what is going to be published is essential to direct the efforts of the content manager to meet the company’s objectives. 

How to create a strategy?

  1. Knowing the client, what their current strategy is and what the client expects from us.
  2. Define buyer personas to understand who we will write to. 
  3. Know or define the client’s digital objectives.
  4. Know your direct and indirect competitors.
  5. Conduct a keyword and search intent analysis to define topics to cover. You can use tools like Semrush, Ahrefs and Google itself to find out about search trends. 
  6. Establish a tone of voice to communicate.
  7. Define the stage of the buyers journey for the content.

With all these steps, you will be able to define a content strategy that will help you plan what content you should write, when you should publish it, and monitor the implementation of the strategy. 

2. Development and writing: the heart of a Content Manager

Accurate, readable and original content is key to content development. Using an appropriate tone according to the audience we are targeting, writing clear, concise articles with good wording and spelling are essential to capture the attention of readers. In addition, original content is relevant to prevent Google from penalizing your site and the company from losing credibility in people’s eyes. 

Essential elements for writing digital content:

  1. Establish a keyword for the content and the search intentions of the users.
  2. Write with the answers or solutions the user is expecting in mind. This will increase the chances that Google will prioritize your content.
  3. Develop original articles. You can cite other authors or sites, but always put the fragment in quotation marks and indicate that it is a quote or mention.
  4. Find reliable sources of information to share real information with users. You can add them as hyperlinks or in a bibliography section so that users can review those sources that provide more technical content.
  5. Write clearly and concisely. Use short sentences and paragraphs and precise ideas. Do not repeat information or use complicated phrases or words.
  6. Organize your information into subtopics to organize your ideas. Search intent can help you organize your text and create subheadings for your articles or pillar pages.
  7. Look for resources like videos and infographics that can help simplify the information you’re sharing. Add them to your articles to create more dynamic texts.

3. Optimize your writing for SEO

When we write an article we do so with the intention that people read it, but for that, it is not enough just to write, we must also apply SEO optimization so that our content appears in search engines. 

The main search engine in Chile and the world is Google. The multinational technology company is constantly developing algorithms that change the rules for positioning content in its engine. The latest Google update, called Helpful Content , aims to deliver useful information to users. For this reason, what the engine does when consulting its database is “organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful,” giving each user the answer they need. 

Considering this new rule and applying SEO Content Manager optimization to all the content we develop is essential for our content marketing strategy to work. 

SEO rules you should not forget: 

  1. The length of the blog title should be between 60 and 70 characters.
  2. The URL must be user-friendly. That is, it must be short, include the keyword , and not contain accents or special characters such as question marks or exclamation marks.
  3. All images must include alt text. You must describe the image and add the keyword. This way, Google will be able to understand the context of the image and blind or low vision people will also be able to understand the content of the image.
  4. You must add metadata to your articles: metatitle, metadescription and optimized slug. They must include the keyword of your article or pillar page and be consistent with the content you are offering. The metatitle must not exceed 60 characters and the metadescription up to 155 characters.
  5. Add a category and tag to your article that are already defined on your blog.
  6. Add authorship to your article. Google is currently prioritizing content that is written by specialists in the area and that meets the EEA criteria (Experience, Knowledge, Authority and Reliability).
  7. Include interlinks that lead to related content on your site and also external links that provide valuable information that helps to delve deeper into the topic you are discussing.
  8. Include secondary or complementary keywords according to search intentions.
  9. Curate your content. Check which articles need updated information, which are outdated, and which can be improved based on search intentions. 
  10. Make sure all important pages are indexed so search engines can crawl the content.

All of these guidelines will help you better position your content so that Google shows your website to those who need it. 

4. Publish and promote the content

Content Manager The Content Manager should not only be content with writing content and optimizing it for search engines, but should also think about which other channels it is possible to display their content on.

This is when the Content Manager must converse with other areas, such as email marketing and social networks, to create newsletters or posts about the articles and thus invite users to read them. 

Some practices you should do: 

  1. Share your content calendar with your community manager and email marketing manager so they can incorporate your material into their work plan.
  2. Constantly monitor and review which of your existing content is relevant to your strategic mailing and social media plan.
  3. Ask your managers how your articles have performed on social media or in email to further refine your content strategy. 

5. Create monthly reports

In marketing, what is not measured cannot be evaluated. For any strategy, it is important to monitor the results of the actions we are taking in order to know whether we are meeting our objectives or not. Knowing how our articles are positioning will help us to know which elements of our strategies are obtaining results and which aspects we need to improve. 

Monthly, half-yearly or annual reports allow us to see the performance of our website: how many users are visiting the site, which articles are the most read and which keywords are working best in our strategy. All these indices – known as KPIs – will help us improve the applied strategy to obtain better results. 

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