Home » 7 training courses to master UX design

7 training courses to master UX design

By following this training, which is intend for web designers, graphic designers, artistic directors, project managers or anyone wishing to develop a digital project, you will learn to rethink the user experience. The objective: to integrate UX into intelligent interfaces, whether in the context of the creation or optimization of a website or a mobile application. You will know the fundamental principles of UX and you will know how to build a user scenario.

Duration: 10 days

Type of teaching: in a center or in a company

Public admitt: employ employees, job seekers and companies
Price: €3,600, financeable by CPF

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UX/UI design – Improve your users’ experience with Academiste.com
This program teaches you how to create prototypes and best practices to design web interfaces that are tailor to your users’ nes, for all your web devices. You will be able to improve your performance to retain your customers and thus boost your sales. You will understand the challenges of UX design, you will know how to optimize your interfaces japan whatsapp number data to improve the user experience, while mastering the essential tools of UX designers.

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Duration: 2 days
Type of teaching: distance learning, in-center or in-company
Public admitt: employ employees and companies
Price: €2,000, CPF financeable (10% ruction until 12/31/2023)

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Introduction to UX design – Design user-orient interfaces with Digital Training Factory
This certifi training, which you can follow online at your own pace, allows you to better understand the nes of your users, define the UX scope of your project, organize the ideation and design phases, as well as write the itorial and functional part. You will be able to lead ideation workshops. The plus: you benefit from personaliz coaching and access to an e-learning platform. A good digital culture and knowlge of web project management are recommend.

UX design: fundamentals + practical exercises with Dawan
With this session, you will master the tools but also the methodologies to know to succe in a UX project. You will discover the different isso aumenta a probabilidade steps to follow and the reflections to be made around the UX design process. The training, which is provid by an expert trainer, is compos of 4 modules: what is cmo email list UX design, information architecture. Adobe XD and the design of an application. The plus: exercises are propos to put your knowlge into practice.

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