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8 simple tricks to create quality content

Carles Suné Gonzalez
Carles Suné Gonzalez
Journalist with extensive experience in content writing and editing. Millennial, Blogger and digital addict.

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Content creation is not a simple matter, but must respond to a well-planned Content Marketing strategy . In this article we will give you the best tips.

The work of a Community Manager goes beyond managing communities on Social Media . Creating content, making it go viral, interacting with readers and getting Guest Posting agreements are just some examples of the many tasks that this professional carries out.

Content is KING

Who doesn’t like it when their writing is successful? When it’s liked and shared? We all want our content to succeed.

That’s why, in the following article, we offer 8 simple tricks to create quality content that will spark the interest of your readers:

1- Create articles in list format
Users want interesting content but they don’t want to find themselves with long, dense articles that are tiring just by looking at them.

List-format posts , such as “10 tricks to increase your Facebook followers,” are very digestible and their structure makes them attractive to the reader .

2- Use current topics
If topics to talk about are scarce and originality is not your strong point, there is nothing  crawler data   better than writing about current affairs .

One of the current trends that has gained the most followers is newsjacking . The results are very good!

3- Bet on interviews
Testimonials from industry experts who are part of your comp reality and hype: why we shouldn’t worry about aI replacing our jobs any are highly valued by readers .

Try reaching out to them, ask them questions you know your users might be interested in, and then post these interesting interviews on your blog .

4- Ask your users
Your community surely loves being part of your content and that you count on them when making decisions .

Ask them what content they want to read or what they would like to find on your blog. Value each of their answers as they will be very useful to you!


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