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5 Creative Ways to Boost Subscriptions to Your Campaign

Juan Pablo Vittori
Juan Pablo Vittori
Freelance Online Marketing Writer and Consultant. First-time father with a keen interest in music and railroads.

Wrote 30 posts


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Developing a list of quality Subscribers to send your Email Marketing Campaign is essential. This post will give you the most original ideas to achieve this. Go ahead!

What happens every time you open your email database? If your response is a sigh or an expression of frustration as you see that time goes by and you are unable to attract new contacts interested in receiving your emails, perhaps it is time to review the methods you are using and update them.

New Ideas = New Subscribers
You cannot expect better results by always applying the same methods. You will see that with a little ingenuity, it is possible to capture the attention of your target audience and have your audience eagerly awaiting each of your messages.

In a previous post we already shared with you the most traditional strategies and resources to do so. Do you remember? Let’s now explore other creative ways to increase your subscriber list .

1. Take advantage of your blog’s comments space

Blog Comments

If you are applying a Content Marketing strategy , you will find that your blog is probably the area of ​​your  crawler data   website with the most activity, interaction and updates. In each new post you publish with content and information of intere 10 tools and strategies for preventing net theft st to your clients and prospects, they also interact with your brand through comments , enriching the debate.

Don’t miss this opportunity and invite those who comment to subscribe to your Email Marketing Campaign . If you use WordPress, there are different plugins that will make the task easier for you. At Doppler we can recommend that you use Simple Subscribe .

2. Turn your cash register into a Subscriber Box

The cash register is not only the place where money changes hands. It can also become a unique opportunity for your customer to come out of anonymity and give you their email address. Then, with the effectiveness of your Newsletter, you can keep them informed and invite them to receive discounts and benefits.

Keep in mind that if you really want this tactic to be effective you must ensure that your Subscription is worth it . To do this, you can follow Doppler’s advice:

Provides a concrete benefit to those who subscribe, such as discounts, access to exclusive offers and quality training materials.
Use simple forms without too many fields to minimize resistance to subscribing.
Offer a real and concrete incentive for your potential client to be proactive when inviting them to subscribe.
3. Maximize the power of Guest Posting
Guest Posting

Have you already contacted the best Spanish-language websites in your sector to do guest posting ? If you haven’t yet, check out this post with the 10 most relevant sites and blogs to share your knowledge with the world . Take note and look for online allies !

In addition to its already known benefits, which include positioning yourself as a reference , improving your visibility in search engines and attracting relevant web traffic to your site, you should add an equally valuable one: increasing the number of Subscribers on your List for sending Email Marketing Campaigns . Wow! And how is that?


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