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4 Secrets of Online Marketing for Mobile

Roger Llorens
Roger Llorens
Web analyst and Content & Inbound Marketing specialist. Passionate about Web Analytics and its synergy with ZMOT.

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mobile marketing

Do you know how to capture

A the attention of your mobile users? In this article we will tell you! Discover 4 secrets of Online Marketing that will allow you to get ahead of your competition.

Nowadays, it is increasingly common to hear that mobile devices are the fu advertising database ture of Marketing . But it is not enough to just know what is happening, you must understand why it is happening.

Are you clear on how mobile traffic affects your sales or lead generation strategy ? Pay attention!

Classic User VS Mobile
Mobile Inbound Marketing could be defined as those actions aimed at generating value and increasing a company’s profit in the medium and long term thanks to the intelligent management of leads and other automated marketing techniques .

So, what distinguishes the mobile user from the classic user? What are the 4 secrets that will make your business a sales force? Notebook in hand, let’s review them!

1. New sales funneFunnel

advertising database

The shape of the conversion or sales funnel when it comes to mobile users is different from that used for PC users. This is because both profiles access content in different ways and tend to spend different amounts of time on it.

Mobile searches are usually short but intense . In other words, this type of user does not usually browse for 2 hours straight in search of a specific product or information via a smartphone.

Instead, they tend to act impulsively once they detect a need and that is when they jump into action and use their devices to satisfy it.

“If this user has a craving, doubt or need, he will take his mobile device and instantly use Google. And if in 5 minutes he doesn’t find what he is looking for, he will simply stop trying to find it through that means.”

If the user does not satisfy this desire within a short period of time, he or she will probably choose to ask an acquaintance or wait to investigate the matter further on a desktop computer.

This fact makes the conversion funnel narrower at the beginning , making the first stage a little more difficult. But eventually crawler data    it usually becomes more homogeneous during the descent .

2. Different target market
Buyer persona

The actions you take to reach this type of mobile user will also be different from those you use to reach a traditional customer. As mentioned in the previous section, when the search arises from a need, the potential customer will lo how to reach customers in an ad-saturated digital world ok for a more appropriate and direct answer and not generic information.



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