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10 training courses to become a cybersecurity expert

This training is a diploma course with a program that is regularly updat. The objective: to acquire the necessary skills sought by recruiters to be able to manage projects in the field of IT and cybersecurity, in complete autonomy. You benefit from a motivational coach and a dicat tutor. The plus: the possibility of doing an internship or work-study program.

Duration: 2 years
Type of ucation: distance learning or work-study
Public admitt: employ employees, job seekers, companies and students
Price: €6,180, financeable by CPF

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Cybersecurity training with Adaliance
This program, which is intend for businesses, allows you to better understand and anticipate the consequences of a cyberattack on your information system. Among the topics that will be cover, we find the importance of passwords, the risks associat with spam, phishing, as well as instant discussions on mobile or PC. Good practices for securing remote work will also be taught. No prerequisites are requir to follow this training.

Duration: 7 hours

Type of teaching: distance or in-company

Public admitt: company
Price: contact the organization

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Operational cybersecurity in business with Esecad
By following this session, you will understand the main current threats, you will master the techniques to ensure the security of information, data and applications. You will also know how to protect your organization from the techniques us by hackers, or the steps to follow to manage a cyber crisis. The plus: the program includes a block of skills in English and the learning of soft skills to adopt to lebanon whatsapp number data have the posture of a cybersecurity professional.

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Duration: contact the organization
Type of ucation: distance or work-study
Public admitt: employ employees, job seekers, companies and students
Price: €1,150

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Network systems and cybersecurity expert – Master’s degree with IPI
This master’s level course is offer to students. It is organiz 100% in alternation with courses in one of the organization’s centers locat in Lyon or Toulouse. The objective: to acquire the skills expect to become an expert in infrastructure, networks and cybersecurity. You will also know all the essential tools to manage teams and projects in this field. Note that a bac+3 level in IT or professional experience is requir to register.

Cybersecurity and Strategic Information Risk Management – ​​Executive MBA with ESG EXECUTIVE UCATION
This program is open to holders of a Bac+2 level, with professional experience in the field of cybersecurity, but also to recent graduates, senior executives and former civil servants in retraining (Ministry of it’s all for nothing if the 301s Defense, Interior) wishing to complete their career path. You will master the techniques and tools of cmo email list anticipatory management, cognitive cybersecurity or even cyberpsychology and social engineering.

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